
Silver Price

Live Silver Price
Current High Low Change
21.69 22.780 21.35 -0.9325 (-4.12%)
Intrinsic Values (£)
Sovereign Half Sovereign 1oz Gold 1oz Silver
£436.50 £218.25 £1,854.29 £21.69

Gold:Silver Ratio

Foreign Exchange Rates

USD: 1.2857

EUR: 1.1846

LBMA Market Opening Times

BST - Sunday 11pm to Friday 10pm (With an hour break daily at 10pm)
GMT - Sunday 10pm to Friday 9pm (With hour break daily at 11pm)


Popular Silver Products

Silver Price

It is common for silver investors to watch the silver price over the course of a week to help decide the right time to buy and sell. We obviously cannot forecast silver prices but we can provide historical data for you to help decide when to invest in silver. You can track the weekly silver price and review historical prices here on the same website making it an ideal place to come back to. Bookmark your favourite graphs and be able to load them instantly to keep up to date. Whether you're a first time buyer or a regular silver investor we believe we have the best charts to view prices.

This is the recommended graph for checking yesterdays silver rate in conjunction with our daily silver price chart. 

If you wish to view all of our 1 ounce silver coins you can do by clicking here. 

Is Silver Price Lower This Week?" or "Is Silver Price Higher This Week?

Some of the questions we're most asked about is "Is silver price lower this week?" or "Is silver price higher this week?" The answer depends on what date you compare the price to. You can view the silver price last week using our weekly silver price charts. 

If you're not looking for the silver price last week, you can also view the silver price today, the silver price last month or the silver price last year. 

Pounds Sterling

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US Dollars

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Japanese Yen

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